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Our Partners

CorpsAfrica embodies a collaborative spirit through a robust partnership approach. This ethos is integral to advancing CorpsAfrica’s mission, as we establish alliances with government, civil society, private enterprise, and philanthropic actors. Through these partnerships, CorpsAfrica taps into the collective authority, expertise, and resources of these institutions and organizations, channeling them toward community-led development and the professional development of youth.

At the heart of CorpsAfrica’s strategy is its role as a catalyst, bringing together Development Partners in a concerted effort to share valuable insights and foster enhanced collaboration. This collaborative spirit extends beyond organizational boundaries, aiming to create a cohesive network of youth movements, rural communities, civil society actors, private enterprises, and philanthropists. The goal is not only to pool resources but also to facilitate a dynamic exchange of knowledge and experiences, thereby creating a more robust foundation for sustainable development.

A Rocha

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African Clean Energy

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African Climate Foundation

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African Conservation Center

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African Forest Forum

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African Parks Network

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African Wildlife Foundation

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Afriwomen Connect Consultancy

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Al Akhawayn University

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Astou Ndiaye Foundation

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BirdLife Africa

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British Embassy in Dakar

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Conservation International

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Consortium Jeunesse Senegal

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Davis & Shirtliff

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Department of Nature, Parks and Wildlife

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Development Bank of Rwanda

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Direction des Organisations Féminines et de l’Entreprenariat Féminin

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Douar Tech

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Energie Domestique (ENEDOM)

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Es Maroc

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Friends of Creation

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Friends of Malawi UK

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Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO)

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GA Life

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Global Health Corps

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Gorgui Dieng Foundation

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Government of Rwanda- Ministry of Local Government

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Greenpeace Africa

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Grow Academy Senegal

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Haske International

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Heifer International

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High Atlas Foundation

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ILCS (Institute for Leadership and Communications Studies)

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Illovo Sugar

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Indigenous Women and Girls Initiative

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Jane Goodall Institute

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Journeyman International

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JVE Senegal

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Laikipia Permaculture Centre

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Les Amis des Ecoles

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Machakos University

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Maeve Project

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Makerere University

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Maroc Ministry of Youth

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Mastercard Foundation

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MBLA Association

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MCLD (Movement for Community-Led Development)

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Ministère de la Jeunesse du Sénégal

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Ministère de la Microfinance et de le Économie Sociale et Solidaire.

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Ministry of Youth and Culture

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National Child Development Agency

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Oceanium Senegal

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OCP Group

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Pan African Climate Justice Alliance

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Paroles Aux Jeunesse

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Partenaires de la Grande Muraille Verte (Green Great Wall – ASRGM)

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Peace Corps

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Phalombe Youth Arms Organization

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Plan International

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Private Sector Federation Rwanda

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Red Crescent

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Red Cross

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Revlis Foundation

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Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB)

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Sahara Conservation

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Service Civique National Senegal

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Social Change Factory

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Terre des Hommes Suisse

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The Hunger Project

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The Nature Conservancy

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The NGAO Foundation

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TIKA-Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency

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Toubkal National Park

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Trees for the Future

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UN Volunteer

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Ungweru Organisation

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Unity Club

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Utooni Development Organization

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Village HopeCore International

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Walk About Foundation

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Water and Forest Department (Marrakech)

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Watts of Love

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Where There Be Dragons/Princeton University

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Wildlife Conservation Society

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World Connect

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World Food Program

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World Wide Fund for Nature (Africa)

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