Support Our WORK

Our goal is to address two key challenges: creating opportunities for African youth and building community resilience. We recruit motivated volunteers to live and work in remote, low-income areas in their own countries. They collaborate with the community to design and implement small-scale projects that address local needs.

More Ways to Support


Use the donate button above to donate online. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter to provide the long-term predictable support that is invaluable to growing nonprofits like CorpsAfrica.

Mail a check

Make checks to “CorpsAfrica” and send to:

1660 L St NW, Suite 460
Washington, DC 20036


You can make a big impact by donating long-term appreciated securities, including stock, bonds, and mutual funds directly to CorpsAfrica’s Fidelity Investments account. 

E-mail us directly at [email protected] for simple instructions.


A donation made as part of your estate planning ensures that young Africans will have the opportunity of service in years to come. 

E-mail us directly at [email protected] to discuss your specific needs.

Consider a planned gift

A donation made as part of your estate planning ensures that young Africans will have the opportunity of service in years to come.

We’re aiming to bring about significant change to communities in need across an entire continent. No easy task. Achieving these ambitious goals will require substantial funding.

We need your support tomorrow, as well as today. Please consider a planned gift as part of a beautiful legacy that will transform the lives of young Africans and rural communities who will benefit so much from CorpsAfrica’s work.

A Planned Gift Can Take Many Forms

A bequest in your will or trust, which can be given as a dollar figure, percentage of the estate or residual amount following the distribution of gifts to heirs and other organizations.

A beneficiary designation on a retirement asset (401k, 403b, IRA, etc.) or other financial account (brokerage, checking, savings, etc.), which can be arranged by simply filling out a form with your financial institution and withdrawn at any time.

A donation of appreciated stock, which allows you to avoid a capital gains effect on your taxes.

A direct transfer from an IRA for donors 70½ or older, which can be up to $100,000 as part of the required minimum distribution and allows you to avoid federal income tax as well as possibly state income tax.

A gift of a life insurance policy, which can include irrevocably donating a policy or simply listing CorpsAfrica as a beneficiary on a policy that you continue to own, providing a revocable alternative.

A gift of assets like real estate, artwork or jewelry, for which we will need the donor’s assistance in terms of getting appropriate appraisals.


In December 2020, longtime donor Ursula Schoeni designated CorpsAfrica as a beneficiary of her annuity – making this CorpsAfrica’s very first planned gift (that we know of). We’re so grateful! We asked Ursula about the gift and she shared her experience and encouraged others to join her in supporting CorpsAfrica in this way.

Liz approached me in Rabat. She was looking to relocate CorpsAfrica’s temporary headquarters from Casablanca to Rabat. She heard that I was looking for a new tenant for the ground floor apartment that I owned in the Rabat Medina, and I ended up donating the space to create the first headquarters for the CorpsAfrica Alumni Association.

I have known Liz and her inspiring work for more than five years now and decided that I could best contribute to CorpsAfrica’s future by planning a gift.

To the Volunteers: Kudos to all of you. Be steadfast. The year you are spending to help your fellow countrymen, solving problems and finding solutions is going to mark you for life. It is going to give you much more than you ever imagined. I, and many people like me, are following your great work and rooting you on. Thank you.


We encourage all donors to include our federal tax identification number (#45-2470692) as part of designating planned gifts, so that CorpsAfrica is not confused with other organizations. Such confusion could result in expensive and lengthy legal action or even in CorpsAfrica not ever receiving the gift.

If you have questions or would like sample language for your will, please contact: Liz Fanning, Executive Director, at [email protected] or (212) 831-5457.

If you make a planned gift to CorpsAfrica, please let us know so we can recognize your support appropriately.