
Ait Moulay


  • Morocco_ALL
  • Morocco_G8-2023-2024
I hold a Master’s degree in Water, Energy, and Environmental Sciences. My passion in life is volunteering, I started a long time ago, and each experience has its challenges and outcomes, and only a few experiences had the most effective change in me. The first school that had a significant impact on me, was Zero Hunger Casablanca, it provided for me a space where I rediscovered myself. Almouallakat Initiative was another school where I learned a lot, and gained trust and new skills. Being part of Enactus UH2C opened my eyes to other perspectives in life, helping me to grow and be a better version of myself. With Global Shapers Casablanca, I learned more and different things from any other previous experience in my life. ReachSci Programme was the place where I learned more academic skills and methodologies in running a scientific research experiment. I had the chance to experience another kind of volunteering with The Nomad Volunteers, by going to a village and teaching kids “Tinirt project”, this opportunity got a lot of positive things me that I wasn’t even aware of, it was just an incredible journey. Currently, as a CorpsAfrica Maroc Volunteer, I can say that it’s a family that is teaching me practical and precise skills and techniques that will be required in the field and that will last with me. {If it’s too long, I can summarise: Zero Hunger Casablanca, Al Mouallakat Initiative, Enactus UH2C, Global Shapers Casablanca, ReachSci Programme, and The Nomad Volunteers, these are the schools that shaped my personality and helped me enhance my skills and knowledge. Each experience had its specific challenges and outcomes.} On the small scale, Volunteering appears to be like you give from your time, energy, skills, and so on, but at the big scale, you learn so many things; you enhance your skills, you learn how to plan, how to manage a team and a project, how to be an active team player, you gain lifelong friends, also your mindset and your way of thinking changes too.