Joel Kadhaya



  • Ghana_ALL
  • Ghana_G3-2024-2025
  • Uganda_ALL
  • Uganda_G1-2023-2024
Joel Kadhaya Kakolokombe is an Exchange Volunteer from Uganda. He is a chemical engineering graduate and a motivated community-led facilitator with a passion for global development. Furthermore, Joel is Committed to learning and staying updated with civic engagement and sustainable development goals such as climate action, industrialization, and zero hunger. Through his service in Buyiga island, Mpigi district, Uganda, Joel was able to appreciate the fact that service is the rent we offer for living on earth so he extended his volunteering service to Ghana. He facilitated community members in Buyiga village in the development of the integrated farming project which led to an increase of household income reducing poverty in the area and encouraging the development of village saving schemes to ensure the sustainability of their projects. Joel also facilitated community unity in Buyiga village bringing community members together which led to expressing their commitment to planting trees, and increasing the forest cover of their community restoring the hope and pride of the village. He hopes to pursue a Master’s degree in Global Development while continuing to grow in volunteerism. Joel currently serves with CorpsAfrica/Ghana.