


  • Senegal_ALL
  • Senegal_G5-2021-2022
Émile Malack is from the Kaolack region, more precisely in the Sara Diamaguene district, Kaolack commune, Kaolack department. He is a business Marketing and Communication Specialist at B Com Center in 2018 and a Management and Project Specialist at Mobicine in 2020. His professional career has grown more focused on community development. He volunteers for the ICS (International Citizen Service) project at YMCA/SENEGAL. He also worked with English volunteers for three months in community health (fighting against neglected tropical diseases) by hosting talks, radio broadcasts, awareness raising, advocacy, and community mobilization. Èmile was on the organizing committee of an association in 2016 called YMCA/Kaolack in his Sara Diamaguene neighborhood which is active in the field of education, training, young entrepreneurship, health, promotion of early childhood protection, sport, and the environment. With the association, he initiated activities to recycle plastic waste, clean, reforestation, distributed donations to talibés, etc. Through CorpsAfrica/Senegal, which Émile considers a means of working for the development of an accomplished young person who is responsible for his family, a leader for his generation, and committed to his community. He intends to serve his host community by adopting different social aspects. He will be able to raise awareness, mobilize and have a lasting and positive impact through the enhancement of their socio-economic potential and their participation around the objective of the mission.