Rose Danielle Arima



  • Senegal_ALL
  • Senegal_G6-2022-2023
Assalamalekoum!!! My name is Rose Danielle Arima Manga. I am 26 years old, my native village is Kamobeul located in the Ziguinchor region. I am Diola but I grew up in Thiès. For my school career, I went to middle school in Diembering, high school in Mbour then university in Bambey where I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Applied Economics. I continued my studies for a Master’s in Economics and Territorial Development, option in Territorial Economy and Governance. My Master’s degree is in progress. In terms of professional experience, I had to do an internship at the Diourbel Regional Development Agency for a month. Also at the university, I participated in two of our field surveys for data collection. CorpsAfrica is my real professional experience. I am a Volunteer at CorpsAfrica only to serve my country but also to consolidate and implement the theories acquired at university. I am assigned to the village of Mbacké Saloum. My site is located in the Kaolack region Kaolack department, commune of Ndiebel. My community is 100% Muslim and everyone speaks Wolof. I feel a real change in myself through this service. I am now more confident and I have the ability to support a group of individuals to achieve great things. I tell myself now that I have contributed to a small part of the development of my country. I am proud of myself thanks to CorpsAfrica.