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  • Malawi_G7-2023-2024
Memory Brianna Sibande is an individual of unwavering dedication who holds a Bachelor of Science in Food Security and Nutrition from the University of Livingstonia. Her life’s purpose is grounded in a profound passion for fostering a world characterized by equality and equitable opportunities for all. She has undertaken impactful roles that exemplify her commitment to this vision throughout her journey. Memory embarked on her career as a nutrition intern at Baylor College of Medicine and Mzuzu Central Hospital, where she honed her skills in addressing nutritional disparities, particularly within underserved communities. Her time spent there showcased an unyielding commitment to enhancing the well-being of vulnerable populations through the power of proper nutrition. Eager to broaden her horizons and effect change on a broader scale, Memory dedicated her time as a volunteer community liaising personnel with Progressio International Citizen Service. In this role, she tirelessly cultivated connections between communities and organizations, championing sustainable development and social equity. Her unique ability to bridge gaps and facilitate cooperation proved invaluable in driving positive changes at the grassroots level. Memory’s journey continued at the Centre for Girls and Interaction, where she volunteered as a community mobilizer. Here, she channeled her passion for equality and empowerment into empowering girls and women, advocating for their rights and equipping them with the tools they needed to thrive.