Constructing a Family Latrine


Site: Keur Daouda, Guinguinéo



- 2021

Primary sector

project cost

65,642 CFA

($11,816 USD)

People impacted

120 Directly

60 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

During numerous meetings and interviews, the community mentioned many possible project ideas such as building a bakery, creating work opportunities for Keur Daoda’s youth, and installing a communal chicken coop. However, after the community’s health post uncovered shocking data about a local issue with fecally bred and transmitted diseases (72 cases of fecal peril diseases in Keur Daoda), the community realized the major impact of their lack of total compliance with local sanitization rules. The inability to comply with guidance was exacerbated by the fact that 60% of village households did not have a toilet and that most households with restrooms did not have functional, modern toilets and plumbing. With the community’s new awareness, Ndeye aided the community in prioritizing their needs and addressing their most pressing matter: fecal-borne diseases. This led them to set a goal of completely eradicating fecal diseases in the community by 2022. This goal would be achieved by building 72 household restrooms (25 in the first phase), teaching the community more about fecally transmitted diseases, and deworming children aged 5 and under. Plans quickly changed for the better, however, because the IFP dewormed children 5 and under in December 2020 during this project’s timeline, allowing the community to move effort and resources to the other pressing parts of the project. To complete the remaining tasks and work towards their 2022 goal, the direct beneficiaries provided cash contributions to complete this project. Ndeye noted that those who monetarily contributed to the project were the most emotionally invested in its success. Additionally, Salam Construction, community members of Keur Daouda, the local government of Ndiago, USAID, and ACESS aided in this project.

Project Highlights

  • Due to some families slowly providing their cash contributions to the project (75% of the expected amount was received), construction of 12 toilets out of the total 75 have been completed at this point in time.

  • The local ICP, project beneficiaries, community relays, and village nobles, and the Guiding Committee led by the village chief will continue to encourage proper hygiene and following the local sanitization laws.

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