Waste Management and Recycling in Cas-Cas


Site: Cas-Cas, Podor


July 2020

- July 2023 (Projected)

project cost

11,983,100 CFA


People impacted

570 households Directly

90,000 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

Improper waste management, unfortunately, poses numerous health complications to the community through declining air quality, water contamination, and the increased risk of disease. Impassioned by the negative impacts of their current trash disposal practices on the community, which became drier during the COVID-19 pandemic, the community desired to create a sustainable solution to their waste management issue, despite their lack of funds. Luckily, Amadou was familiar with waste management best practices and planned to help implement safe systems under the guidance of the local government, EcoTri, a local organization, and Amadou’s expertise.

The community planned for and paid for, both monetarily and in-kind, a multi-step project that would educate the community and change the waste infrastructure. This project was planned to include waste disposal training sessions, the creation of a disposal system, and the distribution of trash cans to the community. To incentivize the community to provide their contributions quickly, Amadou organized meetings explaining the negative consequences associated with poor waste management, jump-starting the education and emotional buy-in process. However, during the planning process, Amadou and the community inadvertently spread the budget too thin, and accordingly, did not have the opportunity to enact all of the intended training sessions. Additionally, the project’s timeline was slowed, despite Amadou’s efforts to ensure adherence to the project schedule and the project completion.

Project Highlights

  • The community still needs to purchase waste bins, educating the community on the dangers of improper waste management, and have a fully integrated system for waste disposal in all 570 village households.

  • Cas-Cas community members expect to complete these objectives by 2022, in addition to expanding the project’s reach to 600 homes, if possible.

  • With a group-oriented and active problem-solving mindset, the community aims to become a “model village” through sustainable community development. GIE Pité-Pité Wuro Kasgua, an organization recognized by the local municipality, will oversee this project to its completion.

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