• Volunteer Stories

Empowering Change: My Journey with Jjajja Nagawa in Kabatema


Serving in Kabatema has been a transformative journey, not just for the community members but for myself as well. Among the many stories of change and resilience, one that stands out is my experience with an elderly lady, Jjajja Nagawa. Her journey towards sustainable development is a testament to the power of patience, community support, and the human spirit.

A Conflict Resolved:

My first encounter with Jjajja Nagawa was unexpected but eye-opening. She had a conflict with her daughter-in-law, who frequently threw rubbish around Jjajja’s compound. The root of the problem was simple: the rubbish pit was too far from their home. After a thoughtful discussion, we decided to dig a rubbish pit closer to her house. This small act of reasoning and action not only resolved the conflict but also fostered a sense of harmony within her household.

Building Trust and Practical Solutions:

The next time I visited Jjajja, she expressed a need for a dish rack. Together, we set up a sturdy dish rack for her. This small but practical improvement made her daily chores easier and built a deeper level of trust between us.

Community Engagement and Business Ideas:

Our interactions didn’t stop there. During a community group vegetable initiative at a local school, Jjajja and I had a heart-to-heart conversation about potential business ideas to support herself and her grandchildren. We discussed various options, including making and selling snacks like samosas and doughnuts. Although I wasn’t sure if she would take my advice, I was pleasantly surprised when school resumed and Jjajja started selling pancakes. She chose pancakes as they were affordable for the children and teaching staff, demonstrating her resourcefulness and determination.

A Flourishing Relationship:

Jjajja’s dedication extended beyond her business. She diligently attended our weekly meetings and participated in group activities. She often shared how her relationship with her daughter-in-law had significantly improved since we first met. Her commitment and positive attitude were inspiring to all of us in the community.

A New Stove, A New Beginning:

My most recent encounter with Jjajja involved setting up an energy-saving stove for her after her old one broke. This new stove not only made her cooking more efficient but also symbolized the ongoing support and care within our community.

Lessons Learned:

Through my journey with Jjajja Nagawa, I’ve learned that patience is indeed a virtue. Her story has shown me that peace within oneself not only benefits the individual but also those around them. Jjajja’s resilience and willingness to embrace change have been a source of inspiration for me and many others in Kabatema.


Working with Jjajja Nagawa has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my service in Kabatema. Her transformation and the positive changes in her life are a testament to the impact of community support and sustainable development. As I continue my work, I carry with me the lessons of patience, resilience, and the power of a supportive community.

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