• Volunteer Stories

Home Stretch

As I am counting the time I have been in my service, I couldn’t be prouder of myself, not forgetting the community and the office for their big support. I have become a strong believer in service to others. I have come to understand the importance of process and inclusion towards achieving a common goal. 

Initially, my personal goal at the beginning of the service was to facilitate HCD and help instill CLD in the community but eventually, it has become more than just being a Volunteer; I can proudly say that the community has taught me more than I have facilitated. Our community being a dry area, I have learned more about the importance of water conservation, and the importance of farmers in food security. I have learned to appreciate what I have more than what I plan to get. I have been able to understand better the importance of community involvement and leadership in tackling most of the social issues such as climate change. Through collaboration with the community, it becomes easier to come up with local ideas that can be employed towards a certain need and get along lasting solution. 

The knowledge of the community is deep beyond our understanding and you just have to listen. My biggest takeaway is the power of working together. Working together towards a similar goal brings in a sense of purpose and helps us understand our common needs and come up with possible solutions to the need. Working together helps to develop the spirit of volunteerism in the community; the community takes charge to combat a problem to safeguard their future.  With our cereal project on the way, we are soon to rip the fruits of coming together and sharing ideas to solve a need. Our primary project is a testimony of what can be achieved when we work together and serve as a leading light to the other community members. It’s fair to say that the service has been a great learning experience for me. 


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