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The foundation of trust The first day on the construction site was full of mixed emotions, excited that we were finally embarking on a...

Having gone through the integration and project identification phases, we are currently implementing my community’s primary project. As I look back and reflect on...

The clock is ticking, and my service is almost complete. As I approach the end of my tenure, I find myself pondering: What have...

April has been a month filled with remarkable experiences, blending adventure, education, and profound insights. Collaborating with individuals whose primary language differs from mine...

To achieve sustainable development, unity is paramount. In my five months of volunteer service, I have witnessed the transformative power of a unified community....

“The deepest craving of the human spirit is to find a sense of significance and relevance.” – Dr. Myles Munroe. At its core, a...

My service as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer in Kanyerere VDC would not have begun as wonderfully as it did and I am mostly thankful for...

After being in the community for almost seven months, it is now time to focus on the project implementation phase. This is a crucial...

In the tapestry of our lives, certain moments stand out as vibrant threads, weaving themselves into the fabric of our memories. These are the...

In the Tambala community, where illiteracy among women and early marriages are prevalent, most women are engaged in farming and small-scale businesses like baking...