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Innocent Uladi served as a dedicated member of cohort 5 of CorpsAfrica/Malawi. He served in Wimbe, Kasungu District. His notable achievements include successfully implementing...

CorpsAfrica/Malawi conducted a two-day training for nine Development Partners (DP) to acquaint them with CorpsAfrica’s work. The sessions covered various topics: Introduction to CorpsAfrica:...

Thanks to Rwanda’s Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA) financial support, CorpsAfrica Volunteers and local government staff conducted training sessions towards initiating sustainable projects...

Victoria Wintonya Ndebugri is a registered nutritionist by the Allied Health Profession Council in Ghana, with an MPhil in Public Health Nutrition and a...

CorpsAfrica/Maroc hosted a workshop with Mrs. Loubna Guenoun and her WeSpeakCitizen team, focusing on articulating project vision and impact. We prioritize Asset-Based Community Development...

Across the vibrant landscapes of Africa, a powerful transformation is underway—one fueled by the passionate energy and dedication of its youth. Investing in the...

The Close of Service (COS) celebration marked the end of the G1 Volunteers’ service with CorpsAfrica/Ghana. During the graduation ceremony on November 29, the...

The partnership aimed to improve access to mobility devices for people with disabilities in underserved communities. The main goal was to provide well-fitted wheelchairs,...

On September 8th, 2023, a catastrophic earthquake rocked the Al Haouz province and its surrounding areas in Morocco, leaving behind a trail of destruction...

In Malawi, CorpsAfrica partners with Grassroot Soccer, an adolescent health NGO that leverages the power of soccer to educate, inspire, and mobilize at-risk youth....