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Watts of Love and CorpsAfrica/Kenya launched a pilot program for 100 solar lights for Cohort 1 in April 2023 with an additional 200 lights...

In Malawi, CorpsAfrica partners with Grassroot Soccer, an adolescent health NGO that leverages the power of soccer to educate, inspire, and mobilize at-risk youth....

Meet Mohammed El Haddouchi, a dynamic individual whose journey with CorpsAfrica has propelled him toward remarkable achievements in community development and academia. Mohammed volunteered...

Ladislas Sibomana, a CorpsAfrica alumnus, leveraged his background in computer engineering and passion for community development to spearhead impactful initiatives in Rwanda. During his...

Hasna Farid is a young Moroccan entrepreneur who served in the community of Tizi Zgaght, Azzaden Valley with CorpsAfrica/Maroc in 2018-2019. Hasna has a...

Magatte, a driven and ambitious young Senegali, embarked on a transformative journey with CorpsAfrica/Senegal in 2021/2022. Eager to broaden his horizons, he chose to...