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CorpsAfrica and LODA Enable Impactful and Sustainable Change in Rusizi District

Thanks to Rwanda’s Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA) financial support, CorpsAfrica Volunteers and local government staff conducted training sessions towards initiating sustainable projects in pilot areas, including in Gasabo, Butare, Rusizi Kayonza, Cyabakamyi Nyanza, and Musanze Districts with additional support expected from Give Directly.  

The collaboration started with a training program organized by LODA, CorpsAfrica/Rwanda, and the Ministry of Local Government. The program empowered 379 local leaders, youth volunteers, para-social workers, and proximity advisors from selected districts. It focused on Human-Centered Design and Asset-Based Community Development Approaches.

In Gasihe Village in the Rusizi District, Volunteer Innocent played a key role in driving positive change. This transformation is a result of a collaboration between CorpsAfrica and LODA, aiming to enhance the capacity of the community and decentralized entities. Volunteer Innocent’s efforts resulted in focusing on community assets, leading to the formation of a savings group. This group, through a beekeeping project with 107 beehives and a harvest of 220 kg of pure golden honey, generated an impressive income of 1,600,000 Rwf (approximately 1,273 USD) in just five months.

One participant noted that the project goes beyond the buzzing hives; it delves into the profound impact on his community’s potential. He asserts that it’s not solely about harvesting honey; it’s about cultivating an environment where innovation thrives and opportunities are born from imagination. 

The community’s efforts were recognized by Claudine Marie Solange and Claudine Nyinawagaga, the Director General of LODA, during a recent visit. She commended the community’s commitment to sustainable development. In her address, she urged the community to maintain this spirit of commitment and encouraged them to continue sharing the skills and knowledge they have acquired with other sectors. Emphasizing the importance of collaborative development, she highlighted the significance of unity in furthering progress. 

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