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Greetings from Agatare village in the Gisagara district! My name is Jean Pierre Twizerimana, and I proudly serve as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, deeply engaged...

Let me let you in on a story that has made me smile this month. A solar light giving birth to a chicken? A...

Imagine a mother lifting lit firewood for her child to do homework, children staying in total darkness for hours at night till they develop...

The concept of development is an essentially contested one admitting to a variety of incommensurable competing interpretations. Arguably, development is not only difficult to...

Perseverance, patience, and resilience have surely been learned and exercised. An entire three months have gone by since I became a northerner. Fully immersed...

Volunteering has given me a platform of expression where my deepest desire dwells, being a development enthusiast and finding the opportunity to understand community...

In my community like many other communities in Malawi, access to safe and sustainable menstrual hygiene products is still a challenge that is constantly...

As a CorpsAfrica Volunteer in my community for the past three months, my primary focus has been on honing essential skills—observation and listening. These...

“Malicounda Sérère”, c’est ma terre, vieille d’environ trois siècles. Elle a été fondée lors des premières migrations serères de la vallée de la rivière...

TAIF est situé dans le district de Medina Sabakh, précisément dans la commune de Ngayenne, département de Nioro du Rip. Elle a été fondée...