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  • Volunteer Stories

Getting to Know Ada Kamanga

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Mr. Limbani Kamanga

Hello! My name is Limbani Kamanga – some people call me Ada Kamanga – and I am one of the 12 pioneering CorpsAfrica Volunteers in Malawi. As you may know, CorpsAfrica has recently expanded to Malawi and Senegal in its continued effort to address development challenges in neglected African communities using local human resources, particularly the youth. I am excited to be a part of this initiative.

Through this blog, I will be publishing monthly updates on the progress of various development endeavors that I, in my capacity as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, and the residents of my site in collaboration with CorpsAfrica’s development partners, will be initiated throughout my service. I hope this blog will captivate your interest and that you will feel the need not only to peruse my posts but also to contribute your insights through the comments section.
“But, who is Limbani,” you may be wondering. Well, here is my brief backstory. I am a young and enthusiastic Malawian, and I hail from Nkhata-Bay. Academically, I hold a BA in International Relations, which I obtained in 2015 at the College of Wooster. Within the IR discipline, I have a vested interest in development issues, particularly issues relating to the African continent. I guess this explains why I am with CorpsAfrica at the moment.
A Brief Profile of My Site: Located in Chiradzulu, a district that neighbors Blantyre (Malawi’s main commercial city), my site is within the Group Village Headman (GVH) Likoswe area. Interestingly, I am almost 35 minutes away from Limbe, such that a one-way minibus ride to Limbe costs approximately K300.00 ($1 = K750). This means, that in terms of proximity to a “proper” city, I am better off than most of my fellow volunteers. But, fundamentally speaking, this aspect, does not make my job easier by any means. I still have to abide by the same rules as stipulated in the CorpsAfrica handbook. Anyway, GVH Likoswe’s area is subdivided into 9 villages, namely: Likoswe, Nkumba, Magombo, Nancho, Ntepere, Thamangiwa, Nkasa, Mwenye, and Mzembere. I will be spending the rest of 2016 and probably the beginning of 2017 in these 9 villages.
I hope you will be keeping up with my endeavors, through this space, as I try to find my feet in the GVH Likoswe area. Thank you all.

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