• Volunteer Stories

Healing the World One Dance at a Time

I know we humanitarians have big plans, dreams, and aspirations for the kind of imprint we want to leave in this world. Most of the time we want it to be huge, something that we will be remembered by. I mean it’s only befitting because oblivion is a scary concept- that you can walk on this earth and once you are gone you are forgotten. We have read stories of phenomenal people who did so much for the world; the great Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Their stories inspired many of us and continue to do so and I mean who wouldn’t want to make such an impact? At times or if I dare say most of the time, we are stuck on wanting to do these big things which come from a good place of course that we forget about the little not so little things. At least I can admit I have been on that boat. I started a dance class at my local church because I wanted to give the children a safe space to just be kids and nurture their talents. In most rural communities children often bear the weight of household chores as their contribution to their households leaving them little time for themselves. This was the case in my community and I wanted to give the children an outlet. If you told me that this would be my greatest achievement thus far, I would not have believed you. It is the most beautiful sight to see children laughing, smiling, having fun, and their precious giggles ensuring the environment. In that moment they are happy and that is all that matters. To witness that has been of utmost joy and a humbling experience. It changed the course of my volunteering and how I look at impact. That you can make an impression in someone’s heart with the simple things that we often pay no mind to. I hope that this inspires you to stop and think about the little things, as much as we can not negate the impact of huge tangible efforts, sometimes we heal the world by complimenting someone, saying hi to a stranger on the road, sharing a meal with someone or in my case one dance at a time. 


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