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  • Volunteer Stories

Power of Youth

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Exchange Volunteer Mr. Mouhiddine Hamma

Working with the Youth Club of DAPP (Development Aid from People to People) NGO has made life here working in Dzaleka Refugee Camp more fun. I always enjoy the company of these nice people because through the club l am always inspired to be more creative and positive. The youth club finally has a new name for themselves after long meetings and discussions. The new name of the club is “Be Strong” and it comes from a meaning that members agreed upon.

It is interesting to hear different languages spoken in meetings organized by the Be Strong Youth Club. It is common to hear languages like Swahili, French, English, and Chichewa whenever someone gives a speech or contributes to a meeting. Some members are willing to translate to English and French so that everyone understands and this is the beauty of this club. The diversity is great. There is also unity and tolerance between the club members and they work so well together although they are coming from different communities. Despite speaking different languages, they can understand each other, discuss, and even play together. This makes me think of the world leaders, especially in Africa, who find it hard to work together because of such barriers. I hope that one day, through these young African leaders in the youth club, our continent will be able to unite regardless of differences in culture, language, skin color and history.


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