• Volunteer Stories

The Final Stage

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Ms. Aissatu Pongolani

It has been my awesome pleasure and great time living in the Kadewere community and working with community members. It seemed like I was going on a very long journey when I just got here in March 2016 but as I am writing now I am counting down just days to leaving this site which is going to be sad after all the time and moments and friends I made in this community.  I can imagine the sadness from now but on the other hand, it will be great for me to head towards the future and see how it’s going to be after all the experiences I have had here.

In this community, I have always made friends when I was moving around and at work; people of all ages have been my friends. Apart from that I was so close to my host family and their relatives and I salute them for being nice to me. I also grew very close to a few people in the community, one of them was my fellow female teacher at Friends of Mulanje Orphan Centre. We are friends and we were both visiting each other at home and she could always visit me when I was sick. I will never forget you Mrs. Fasileni Mackton and am proud of your friendship. The second one is Mama Oscar (Oscar Mother). She is a business woman and she sells local food called Dinda that is  made from cassava flour and cooked in oil. She has been always excited to see me and even greet me at a far distance.  I really loved that and I very much like that she is strong and I am very proud of her.  I will also never forget you Mama Oscar with your son Oscar.

Thabwa trading center has been my nearest small market while here. On market days I was able to buy some daily needs and when standing on the trading center, I can see Mulanje mountain, as shown below on the picture, and it always looks like its near and always the mountain helps to bring different whether conditions in Mulanje. It can be cold, hot and even rain all in 30 minutes and it is a good whether condition for all different people from all over the world.

​I know you all have been following my blogs and the work and experience that I have had in this community and as this is my final writing here, I would like to say thank you so very much and my work has been so courageous with you all around and am so proud of you all and continue doing the same to other people.


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