• Volunteer Stories

The Ride of a Lifetime

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Ms. Mieke Mmeya

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”  — A.A Milne 

Dear Reader,

After 14 amazing months, I have to say goodbye to you and my community. This journey is easily one of the most important experiences of my life because (to quote Julius Caesar) I came, I saw, I conquered. Though perhaps my achievements during this time are not as great as conquering a kingdom but through this service I was able to break the boundaries of what I first viewed as my limitations.

Looking back at the past year, the apprehensions of successfully integrating into the community and facilitating projects seems so funny. Do not get me wrong. The journey was not easy and the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic did not make things any easier, but I find that it was the challenges that made the whole experience worthwhile.

To my host family, thank you for accepting me as one of your own. From the moment I arrived in your home you treated me as a daughter returned from her adventures in the world, never as a stranger taking advantage of your goodwill. You encouraged me to be myself and pushed me whenever I felt like giving up. To my family and friends, both old and new, your physical and emotional support has gone a long way in ensuring the success of my service. To my community, I hope I managed to live up to a fraction of your expectations from me. To the CorpsAfrica staff, thank you for trusting me to take up this mantle. To my fellow CorpsAfrica Volunteers, we did it you guys!

And finally, to you dear Reader, thank you for granting me the audience throughout this time. Please remember the words of A.A Milne quoted above. Go out there and be the best that you can be. The world is waiting.


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