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  • Volunteer Stories

I Am Finally Here!

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Ms. Vanessa Chimutu

Am not much of a blogger/writer, to begin with, but hey, there is always a start for everything, so let me share a few things about my service with CorpsAfrica with you all. They say the most beautiful things happen to those who least expect it, well what can say, but yes, it’s true. I was overly nervous about getting out of my comfort zone and start staying as part of a community with people whom I practically didn’t know, oh did I mention this is supposed to be in a rural community? Well, there you go.
So the day to be deployed to my site arrived, this was on the 27th of February 2016, I was so nervous, am sure people who know me better could tell that hey Vanessa was nervous although I was trying to contain myself. I got onto the bus and suddenly things were becoming more real, funny enough, my counterparts Tusa, Limbani, and Sarah seemed more excited than nervous ( well at least from what I saw ) and before we knew it, we had dropped off Limbani in Chirazulu and the next site was mine, Zomba! The nerves started kicking in a little bit more and 30 minutes later we arrived at 6miles which is the junction into my community, at first I thought we had arrived as we had to wait for Mphatso who works at the organization where am partnered, Age Africa ( I will tell you more about that later).
Now you see, when Mphatso joined us, I knew things where getting more real by the second, and as the bus started moving into the village , I Just sat there thinking to myself “wow, am really doing this?” it was until Tusa started teasing me about how far my village was from the main road when I snapped out of it and just laughed all the way until we arrived.
My oh my, we here! I could see people’s smiles and faces of excitement as we arrived at a school known as Nsala Community Day Secondary School, in a village known as Ipululu. The headmaster of the school Mr. Tsoka, greeted us warmly as he introduced Miss Sawali, the only female teacher at the school who is also my host, and from nowhere all the nerves were gone just like that, isn’t that great?
I was then introduced to the rest of her family , her two sons, KK and Joel, her Nephews, Pride and Chisanzo and Daughter Joanna, who were eager and excited to meet me. And in no time, neighbors, and friends all started coming along to make acquaintance. I didn’t expect this at all, it made me feel more comfortable and secure, and I knew from then, that I was right were I belong, am happy that I was surprised at how the people welcomed me, my host had so many stories to tell me, I must say, she was the most excited to have me. I am already learning a lot from the people here, so the next 365 days will be exceptional, as I get emerge myself into their culture, lifestyle, learn from them as well as work hand in hand with them through out the year. I expect to be surprised every step of the way. Am glad I am finally here.

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